GJW Gallery Partnership

The GJW Gallery works to organize and represent the stories that Igor Morski has created over the last 30 years of his experienced art career. Igor Morski is a renowned Polish artist who uses advanced digital techniques and hidden imagery to bring meaning to his artwork. The purpose of his artwork is not only focused on the aesthetics but also the hidden symbolic messages behind it. It is the perceived narration/ commentary behind his artwork that makes it so symbolic. The aim of GJW gallery is to help promote the curation of Igor Morski’s art while offering context to his work and giving people a better understanding of the meaning behind it. Victory art partnered with GJW gallery because, like many others, it was captivated by some of the amazing digital artwork created by Igor.
Igor Morski graduated with an honors degree from the faculty of Interior Architecture and Industrial Design at the Academy of fine arts, presently known as the University of Arts in Poznań. In the early stages of his career, he designed stage sets for various theater, cultural, news, and current affairs programs. The Beginning of the 90s opened up new opportunities for Igor as the developments in computer technology allowed for the creative process to gradually shift over to virtual reality. Igor took this opportunity by the throat and dedicated himself to developing his skills in this area. Thanks to Igor's connection with Poznań, he was able to sell his first computer-modified work as posters to the Poznań International Fair. It was during this time that Igor was able to secure a collaboration with ‘Wprost’, the leading magazine of the changing economic state of Poland.
With the combination of Igor's talent and the opportunities that presented themselves, the function of press illustrations that he created changed. His surrealistic illustrations were made to compliment the author and context of the article. In Igor’s own words, he said ‘my illustrations are not the text decorations but have become its intellectual complementation’. It is hard to not agree with this when you see some of the illustrations he has made, such as the 'ark' graphical illustration shown below which can be interpreted in a number of different ways.
Ark, 2021
Thanks to Igor's partnership with ‘Wprost’, his illustrations were getting shared with countless people. As a result, people took interest in his work and began lining up to purchase artwork from him. This also leads to Igor partnering with a handful of international magazines such as Money, The Washington Post, The Boston Globe, and Businessman Magazine. Igor Morski is also the winner of multiple prestigious awards such as the Applied Arts Award (2010), Inter alia Communication Arts Excellence Award (2008 & 2010).
In this art blog, it's clear why Victory Art was thrilled to partner with the GJW Gallery. This exciting collaboration has brought a large selection of Igor's artwork to the V4U online exhibition, including stunning pieces like the graphical illustration below.
Woman abstract pink, 2021
Gjw gallery collaboration