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Why Buy Art?

Why Buy Art?

I’m Collecting Art Because I Am Passionate About Art

Do your research. You can read this guide and others all you want, but unless you actively seek out what you like, you’re not going to find it. So, start simple. Look into what colors, art styles, textures do you feel most drawn to. By looking through everything you don’t, you’ll figure out what you like.

Create a visual board (Pinterest is a great asset here) and after pinning a few, find patterns within what you like. It’s also a great place to discover artists.

Another thing you can do is educate yourself on both the history of art as well as the current trends in the art world. Being able to recognize abstract art from impressionism not only gives you street credit in the art world, but you’ll also be able to expand your vocabulary to seek out the types of artworks you like.


I’m Buying Art Because I Want to Decorate My Office/Home

Amazing! We happen to believe that everyone should come home to an artwork they love. Remember that you’ll have to look at this artwork every day. So, buy one that you would not get tired of looking at. Simple right? But what does that even mean?


Color is more than just the visuals and aesthetics. It also influences the mood of the space. Think about what type of mood you want in that particular space. Then you can decide the color scheme of the painting and space. Check out our article on Colors and Their Meaning on Valentine's Day to learn more!


Don’t work with themes, but rather concepts. A big mistake many people make by working with themes is that they make them too literal. If you want your place to have a coffee shop feel, do not aim for artworks with coffee beans (although when done right, it may work). Rather, think of the feeling you get when you are in a coffee shop: warm, lively. And match the artwork to the feeling.


Match your furniture to your interior design style. A minimalist line drawing may not go with a busy bohemian interior style.

Rule of Thirds

Another useful tip is the rule of thirds. It is the principle where an odd number of items looks more natural than an even number of items. This can be applied with 3 different colors in a room that complement each other. With colors, the standard equation would be 60% (dominant color), 30% (secondary color), 10% (accent color). You can also apply this with 3 different textures in your space.

Focal Point 

Use art as a focal point of the room. Consider the size of the artwork which also depends on how much space there is for the artwork. You can also use the rule of thirds here. You can also seek professional help for advice on art and interior design. Victory Art provides art consultancy services to help customers with decorating different types of space, such as office space and home space.


I Want to Invest in Art

While passion investments like art are becoming increasingly popular, it is one of the more methodical reasons to buy art. If you want to earn enough money from investing in art, then it is important that you pay a lot of attention to a number of factors during the buying process. Make sure that you do extensive research on the art market. If you want to start investing in art, it is important that you understand the elements that affect the art market such as the trends and what collectors are looking for. Check out our article, How to Buy Art, to understand where to begin. Here are a few insights that may help you out.

- If you are collecting art with investment in mind then you should start by investing in mid-career artists. This way they already have a proven track record and show promise of a financial return. 

- Mid-career artists are also not exorbitantly expensive which makes them affordable. Especially if you request partial payments.

- If you are a new art collector on a budget (See Page 9 if you are on a budget) 

- You can start by buying art from a lesser-known artist. However, know that you’ll have to wait longer to get a return on your investment. Although you are also buying the art at a much lower price than you would with a well-known artist. Therefore the return on investment is more likely to be profitable if you find the right artist. Decide a theme for your collection 

- If you chose the artwork for your collection carefully it will appreciate (in value) over time, meaning it can increase in value (worth more than what you paid). So, if you see potential or a continuous interest in one form of artwork, then starting a collection is definitely something to seek out.


Here are a few ways you can find artworks you like:

A. Visit art fairs, museums, galleries, and auction houses 

  • Support young galleries because it will help a community of emerging artists prosper

  • Seeing the artwork in person would enhance your experience before you buy a certain art 

B. Browse art books 

  • These books are easily accessible and it provides a plethora of inspiration 

C. Browse and or follow online art 

  • Nowadays, artists and galleries use Instagram and other social media as a means to showcase their work and the stories behind them to potential buyers. 

  • The stars of tomorrow have already been born. In fact, many of them are likely starting or middle of building their artistic careers. You can easily build a connection with emerging artists early in their careers through online platforms. Buying work from emerging artists is often more affordable and can be a great investment for the future. Additionally, you’ll be helping young artists gain confidence in their work and so, continue creating. 

D. Join an art collector group online 

  • Build connections, have open conversations, and gather the information together 

  • Victory Art has a Facebook group for new Art Collectors called 'Beginner's Guide to Collecting Art' that has a wealth of information on building your collection. 

  • Use your eyes because your tastes will develop as you develop your collection.



If you want to know, even more, check our more detailed guide on how to buy art for yourself and for your office. We are always here to help you to find the right artwork, you can book an appointment with us, and remember, enjoy yourself while in the process!



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